13 March 2012

I'm back and it feels good

After a long lay-off with injury and life and several false starts, today I started training for Challenge Wanaka 2013. I signed up for the race last week and, after a week and a bit of rest and recovery following a 5km, half marathon and the 34.5km of running for the Rail Trail Duathlon in the space of 4 weeks (plus a nasty cold), I did my first day of proper triathlon training in months.
St Clair Beach looking west at sunset. A beautiful place to run!

Every other time I have started to swim/bike/run train over the last 12 months, it just hasn't felt right, but today it just feels right. My swim this morning was rubbish, but I didn't once feel like I didn't want to be there and tonight I had a magnificent run along St Clair Beach at dusk. Just perfect!