A busy week in Adelaide at the Food Summit and a whole day out travelling meant a very light week, just 5 hours in total. Only 1 run through the leafy suburbs of Adelaide and out to the lovely beach of Glenelg. It was a long run of almost 25km, but the last km to the beach was through the shopping precinct. I walked that last bit, bought a banana and bottle of water and removed some stones from my shoes so it took 20 minutes to go from the edge of the shops to the beach and back. That still meant a total of 22.5km taking 2:30. I also managed 90 minutes on a gym bike at the hotel and swim on Friday upon my return to Dunedin.
My swim turned out to be much better than I had thought it would be after a 10 day break. I have been doing kick drills and 10 x 25 metre sprints with fins and 10 x 25 without (OK, you can stop laughing now, I know its pathetic, but it is working). Anyway, 4 lengths into my last set of sprints I decided that I was thrashing about too much and not focusing on my form. So I slowed my stroke rate down and really focused on my stroke, especially my body roll and balance. To my astonishment, things started to feel great - my balance was fantastic, I finally started to feel a strong pull from the shoulder rather than the arm and breathing was smooth. My stroke rate had dropped significantly, but my pace had increased by 2 seconds for the 25 metres. I was feeling so good that I decided to do a 50 metre sprint to finish - dumb idea, my form on the second 25 was crap. I must remember what I keep telling my students: Baby steps, grasshopper. Baby steps!
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