02 August 2010

So close, yet so far

Over the last few weeks I have started to get a real sense of the enormity of the task that I have set myself. Now that it is less than six months to race day I know that the time will pass very quickly, especially as the second half of the year is also my busiest at work and it always seems to go faster. So it seems as if Challenge Wanaka is just around the corner but I still have so much training to do and that scares me a little (well, actually A LOT!).

Somewhat pardoxically though, I find myself so excited by the prospect of the race that I wish it was here sooner. I know that I am physically not ready for the race, but somehow I feel that I have the mental stamina to just go out there and do it right now. Part of me just wants to get on with it, nail it and move on to the next challenge (whatever that might be).

I am not so foolhardy as to think that I could do it tomorrow, the next day, next week or even next month. So next year will just have to do. At least I have a very real and growing excitement driving me on to race day. Perhaps that is what this whole endeavor is actually all about - anticipation, dream and expectation, not just the acheivement of a tangible goal.

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