24 November 2010

Post-Race Blues - AGAIN

Really flat today. I had run session at lunchtime that just felt crap. My knees and hips were stiff and I just didn't feel like going hard, even though I had intervals to do (5 x 3 min @ 3-5km pace). I was able to do three at the pace, but had to back off a little for the last two. Overall, I guess it wasn't a bad session, I just didn't feel so good doing it.

This evening I went for swim in the harbour with Geoff, James and Alice (a fellow Challengee and pretty good swimmer) and I just couldn't be arsed. I did everything that the others did, but I was a long way behind and I stopped on too many occasions to be that effective.

I guess (as Alice pointed out), that's what you get from five and half hours of racing. It also doesn't help that I have a little health problem (starts with 'h' and ends with 'roid' and very large - OUCH!) that has been causing me a lot of pain since the race. It was extremely bad overnight and this morning and I was able to do little else but lie on the sofa until about 11am. A visit to the doctor this afternoon for a remedy seems to have relieved the pain for the moment. When the doctor is doing the examination and he says "OH! Shit, that will be painful", you know that it's a goodun'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh, that brings back memories of childbirth! Nasty, nasty little beasties!!

Do I need to remind you that you don't have time to experience the blues? You only have 51 days to go, so pull yourself together!! :-D

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