13 April 2010

How embarrassing!

I had my first swim session with Aleisha Clark of JC Swim School tonight and I felt slightly embarrassed. I turned up early and Aleisha welcomed me and said that she had read my blog and 'learnt lots of things about me that she didn't know'. I had told her to read it to see how my swimming had been going as my blogs are littered with entries bemoaning my lack of ability in the water.

A little while later the other members of the class turned up - one guy and one woman - and, to my embarrassment, I think the woman is the 'little old lady' that came in behind me at the Lake Hayes Tri that I discussed in my blog about the race. I was far too embarrassed to mention it to Aleisha and I definitely didn't say anything to the woman in the class. As it turns out, while she is petite, she is not as old as I might have made out in my previous blog.

I think that I might have to be careful about what I write here!

Anyway it turns out that Aleisha doesn't think that my basic technique is that bad, but she said that my kick sucks. I kind of knew that was what she was going to say and I also knew that she was going to tell me that the only way to fix it is to do lots of kicking in the pool - and she did. She also said that to get faster I need to swim faster and that means doing sprints in my training rather than endless lengths. I have to say that this is good news, as I don't think that I could have faced doing non-stop lengths in the pool. For now it means doing multiple 25 metre sprints in the pool, but she said that I can work up to 200 metre sprints by about November/December.

My problemright now is facing the embarrassment of going to Moana pool and doing lengths with the kickboard that take me about 5 minutes and include a couple of stops on the way. Watch this space, I am sure that I will be writing more about this in the coming weeks.

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