22 April 2010

Knackered one day, feeling great the next

Today, I feel great. I really don't understand how I can be so flat yesterday and feel so good today. I went out for a 60 minute ride around the northern part of the Taieri Plains today (flat and fast) with Jason Wadsworth and James Blundell and jumped off the bike and went for a 20 minute run with Jas.

My legs felt slow and heavy for the first 20 minutes on the bike, but once they had warmed up I started to feel really good. I was able to put on some sustained bursts and I got off the bike with my legs feeling strong. The run with Jas was a little slower than normal training pace (but not much) and once again my legs were strong.

Jas and I were chatting about about my fatigue when we were on the bike and he mentioned that the programs he had been reading for long distance bike races usually had a light training week every third or fourth week to refresh. I can't believe that I had forgotten this. My marathon training was exactly like that - build distance and time on the road for three weeks, halve your training for a week and then start buioding again from where you left off the week before. My training has been building for five weeks now, but I am having an enforced break next week (not completely, I plan to keep running and swimming), as I head to Aussie for 10 days for a conference. Actually I think that this is really good timing, as I am sure that the break will help me be faster and stronger when I come back.

I know that training is likely to be different for a race of the magnitude of Challenge Wanaka, but I am sure that I can (actually, should) schedule in a light week every so often, so I will have a chat to Coach Katie (Menzies) about it when we catch up this weekend to set my program for the next 6 weeks or so.

PS: On a really positive note, I have lost around 2kg since my "weighty problem" post a fortnight ago. Before you know it I'll be completely buff and faster than a Jack Russell on speed. Yeah, Right!

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