21 April 2010

I'm absolutely knackered (again)

I have just finished a swim session and I am absolutely stuffed.

Before 8am this morning I set out for a 60 minute ride and, rather than do a long distance, I decided to go from home so that I had some decent hill work. I live 220 metres above seas level and the climb from the bottom of my road rises around 180 metres over just 1km. Its bloody steep and really takes it out of you. I also threw in about a 2km climb up Opoho for good measure. My legs were burning by the time I got home again and I knew that that was just the start of training for the day.

At lunchtime I did a 10k run from work, around the harbour, to Vauxhall and back. It was as gloriously sunny day and there was just a few ripples on the harbour so it was a very pleasant run. (Yestarday there was a ripping SW wind that meant that James and I could maintain 40-45km/h from Vauxhall to Portobello, so I am glad I wasn't running to Vauxhall then.) I was with Stephen and Andrea and we were setting a cracking pace - well, it was for me - and we did the first 5km in under 26 minutes (I'd usually do 27:30-28:00) and we did the whole 10km in under 53 minutes (I'd normally be around 55:00 to 57 minutes). I was exhausted but feeling good.

I hit the pool at 8pm and it really felt like I hit it hard. My legs didn't want to work at all when I was doing my kicking drills and I started getting cramp in my toes and calves. I was completely stuffed by the time I had done 20 minutes and I wasn't even doing anything at any pace. When I get exhausted at the pool my form completely goes and I am unable to concentrate and, unlike running or cycling, there is no one the push me along - no one to beat to the next corner, no one to talk to, no one to pick up the pace for all of us. So when another bought of cramp came on at 25 minutes, I decided that I'd had enough for the day and jumped out.

I am no quitter and I can run or bike through most pain or exhaustion, but I just can't swim through this yet. I know it will come, but for the meantime, I think that I am going to have to schedule my swims for when I know I am not going to be exhausted - mornings or when I have only a light run or bike early in the day.

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