The last couple of days have been kind of strange. All of a sudden I feel stronger - my legs feel more powerful, my shoulders and chest a little bit stronger and overall I feel like I can do a little bit more. At the same time, however, I feel fatigued - my arms ache, my quads are sore I almost fell asleep at 5:15 this afternoon. The first five minutes of any training session are usually hell, but once I get going I feel great (aside from a niggle in my right quad that won't go away).
One of my problems is that I am struggling with sleep. No matter what time I go to bed, it takes me a while to get to sleep and then I wake up several times during the night to go for a pee until, at 5am, I am awake for good and usually with really hot legs - not wide awake, but enough to be restless until I get up around 6:30 or 7:00. I am also waking up quite sore in the morning, especially in the hips and back, and I think that my plantar fasciitis is coming back. Once I get up and moving though I am fine.
I am hoping the strong-fatigued thing is just a stage and that it is a sign that something good is happening - it certainly feels like its a positive thing.
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