13 June 2010

The week that was (Week 12)

This week started with a couple of days of feeling very sore indeed (see Anatomy of a Race 3). In fact, on Monday I was so sore after the Christchurch Half Marathon, I couldn't make it to the pool to do my recovery session. Tuesday was a little bit better after a good session in the pool and a 6.6 km run in the evening that finally allowed my legs to loosen up.

I also had a couple fo excellent rides during the week, especially on Friday when I did a half ironman (HIM) pace ride to Portobello. The harbour was like a mill pond and the only ripples were created by the long wake of a kayak and a rowing skiff and the occasional wing tip of a shag (cormorant) skimming the surface like a stone thrown by a child. It was one of those awe-inspiring scenes that makes you appreciate the beauty of this humble city - a scene that most locals do not value nearly enough. In the end I effortlessly averaged 31km/h over almost 16km and was crusing at 32-34 for most of that distance. I was well-pleased!

The week included: two runs (11.6km in 1:10), including hill repeats for one session; four rides (148km in 5:40), and; three swim sessions (3.95km in 2:15). For what was essentially a recovery week, I still managed a total of about 9 hours 18 minutes of training.

This week also saw Blogger introduce some new design tools and so I have updated the look of my blog. Let me know what you think about the new look.

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